Giampiero Tintori Fund (Genoa, 1921 – Milan, 1997) has been one of the most important Italian musicologists, director of the La Scala Theatre Museum from 1965 to his death and President of the Istituto Tostiano from 1984 to 1997. The collection contains volumes of musical and musicological interest, as well as literary and artistic history. Given its cultural role in Italy and beyond, it’s possible to imagine the quality of the publications preserved in his personal library now in the Ortonese Institute. In fact, in addition to music, the catalogues of museums and works on painting prevail.
Consistency: 490 volumes catalogued in the UDA Pole. Another 500 to catalog.
Moreover, in the same room are preserved some musical instruments of extraeurope tradition, acquired in the occasion of the international collaborations of the Institute. For further information, visit the organological section by clicking


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